Public Record

The Victorian Public Records Act 1973 defines a public record as:

(a) any record made or received by a public officer in the course of his duties; and
(b) any record made or received by a court or person acting judicially in Victoria—
but does not include—
(c) a record which is beneficially owned by a person or body other than the Crown or a public office or a person or body referred to in section 2B; or
(d) a prescribed record held for the purpose of preservation by a public office to which it was transferred before the commencement of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1994 by a person or body other than the Crown or a public office; or
(e) a record, other than a prescribed record, held for the purpose of preservation by a public office to which it was transferred, whether before or after the commencement of the Arts Institutions (Amendment) Act 1994, by a person or body other than the Crown or a public office;

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