Public Road

A Public Road is a road, street, walkway, laneway, right of way or thoroughfare that is vested in a Local Council or Government Department.


NSW Roads Act 1993

A road opened or dedicated for the free right of passage of the public - on foot, in a vehicle etc and declared as such under the NSW Roads Act 1993.

Queensland Transport Infrastructure Act 1994

The Queensland Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 defines a road as -

Victorian Road Management Act 2004

The Victorian Road Management Act 2004 states that a road is a public road if it is —

  • a freeway; or
  • an arterial road; or
  • declared under section 204(1) of the Local Government Act 1989, or
  • declared under section 61 or 93H of the Melbourne City Link Act 1995; or
  • declared under section 143 of the Mitcham-Frankston Project Act 2004; or
  • a road which the relevant coordinating road authority has made a decision that the road is reasonably required for general public use and registered it on its register of public roads; or
  • a non-arterial State road under section 14(1) by VicRoads; or
  • a municipal road declared under section 14(1) by VicRoads.

Note: a road set aside as a road in a plan of subdivision registered under the Subdivision Act 1988 is not a public road for the purposes of Road Management Act 2004 unless and until a decision is made.

Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. Land Services South Australia
  3. Registrar Generals Directions Glossary
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