Queensland Urban Drainage Manual

The Queensland Urban Drainage Manual is a joint venture of the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Water, the Queensland Division of the Institute of Public Works Engineering Australia, and the Brisbane City Council.


The purpose of the manual, which deals primarily with the hydrology/hydraulics of drainage systems, is to provide local governments and stormwater professionals with a standardised approach to planning and designing urban stormwater drainage.

The manual has traditionally dealt mainly with passing run-off through and away from urbanised areas to meet flood mitigation, public safety and convenience objectives. However, as the impact of stormwater on the environment, and the need to manage it as an integral part of the urban water cycle are now widely recognised, the latest edition of the manual provides guidance in addressing these issues when planning and designing the system. The manual also now highlights the comprehensive planning approach necessary to achieve best practice.


The Second Edition of the Manual (2007) states that: "The Department of Natural Resources and Water authorises the reproduction of textual material, whole or part, in any form, provided appropriate acknowledgement is given."

More recent versions of the manual are covered by a more restrictive copyright.

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External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. Department of Energy and Water Supply Urban Drainage Manual Page
  3. Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (2007) (5.4MB pdf)
  4. Queensland Urban Drainage Manual (2013)
  5. 2007 QUDM Glossary
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