Quenten Graham
Quenten Graham (Swan Hill Rural City Council) EL
This page has been set up as part of the Local Government Collaboration Project. It keeps track of the pages on which the above individual's name appears.
- Asset Accounting
- Asset Componentisation
- Asset Condition Assessment
- Asset Management System
- Asset Renewal
- Asset Valuation
- Building
- Community Consultation
- Community Infrastructure
- Condition Assessment
- Contributed Asset
- Donated Asset
- Drone
- Geographical Information System
- Gifted Asset
- Green Asset
- i:donated asset
- Internet of Things
- Level of Service
- Local Government Collaboration Survey Respondents
- Maintenance
- Parks and Open Space Asset Capitalisation Project
- Parks and Open Space Provision
- Playground
- Public-private Partnership
- Public Toilet Provision
- Recreational Facility
- Renewal
- Road
- Service Level
- Street Lighting
- Walkability