Roads & Transport
The provision of Roads and Transport infrastructure is a key Council function in all states.
Related Pages
The list below is generated automatically. To add a page to the list, add one of the following tags to the page. "roads", "road", "transport".
- A Guide to the Visual Assessment of Pavement Condition
- A Guide to Working in the Road Reserve
- Accelerated Pavement Testing
- Acceleration Lane
- Access Facility
- Access Lane
- Access Place
- Access Road
- Access Street
- Access Way
- Adverse Crossfall
- Aggregate
- Airport
- All Weather Road
- Ancillary Area
- Annual Average Daily Traffic
- ARRB Group
- Arterial Road
- Asphalt
- Asphalt Overlay
- Asphalt Patching
- Asphalt Pavement
- Asphalt Rejuvenation
- Australian Bicycle Council
- Australian Road Rules
- Australian Road Rules Dictionary
- Australian Rural Roads Group
- Austroads
- Austroads Road Data Harmonisation Project
- Automated Car Convoy
- Automatic Road Paving Machine
- Auxiliary Lane
- Back of Kerb
- Barrier Kerb
- Bicycle Lane
- Bicycle Path
- Bicycle Plan
- Bicycle Strategy
- Bikeway
- Binder
- Bitumen
- Bitumen Seal
- Black Spot Program
- Bleeding
- Block Cracking
- Body Corporate Road
- Bollard
- Border Road
- Boundary Road
- Bridge
- Bridge Approach
- Bridge Parapet
- Bus Bay
- Bus Lane
- Bus Route
- Bus Stop
- Bus Zone
- California Bearing Ratio
- Cape Seal
- Car Park
- Car Park Construction
- Carriageway
- Carriageway Width
- Cat's Eye
- Causeway
- Chicane
- Chip Seal
- Clearway
- Closed Road
- Collector Road
- Collector Street
- Collector-Distributor Road
- Commercial Vehicle
- Communal Street
- Concrete Pavement
- Congestion Travel Index
- Coordinating Road Authority
- Corrugations
- Court
- Crack Sealing
- Cracking
- Crocodile Cracking
- Crossfall
- Crumb Rubber
- Cul-de-sac
- Cycleway
- Deceleration Lane
- Declared Road
- Delamination
- Demarcation Agreement
- Department of Main Roads (Queensland)
- Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland)
- Digout
- Discontinued Road
- Distributor Road
- Divided Road
- Driverless Car
- Driveway
- Driveway Access
- Driveway Layback
- Driveway Works
- Dry Weather Only Road
- Dust Control
- Dust Suppression
- Edge Break
- Edge Drop-off
- Edge of Seal
- Edge Patching
- Emulsion Seal
- Environmental Cracking
- Falling Weight Deflectometer
- Final Seal
- Fire Access Track
- Fleet
- Flexible Pavement
- Flushing
- Foamed Bitumen Stabilisation
- Footpath
- Footpath Construction
- Footpath Grinding
- Footpath Inspection
- Footpath Maintenance
- Footpath Sweeping
- Footway
- Formation
- Formation Width
- Formed Road
- Freeway
- Fully Mountable Kerb and Channel
- GATT Seal
- Geomatic Technologies
- Glassphalt
- Glossary of Roads & Transport Terms
- Government Road
- Gravel Resheeting
- Gravel Road
- Grazing of Livestock on Roadsides
- Guardrail
- Guidepost
- Heavy Patching
- Highway
- Industrial Collector Road
- International Roughness Index
- Invert Crossing
- Jet Patching
- Kerb
- Kerb & Channel
- Kerb & Channel Machine
- Kerb & Gutter
- Kerb Crossing
- Kerb Marker
- Land Under Roads
- Lane Closure
- Laneway
- Laser Profiling
- Level Crossing
- Licensing of Unused Roads
- Line Marking
- Link Road
- Loading Zone
- Local Area Traffic Management
- Local Road
- Local Road Network
- Local Roads of Regional Significance
- Local Street
- Local Traffic Area Management
- Longitudinal Cracking
- Low Profile Rubber Kerbing
- Main Road
- Main Roads
- Main Roads Western Australia
- Maintenance Grading
- Major Collector Street
- Major Road
- Median
- Median Strip
- Minor Collector Street
- Minor Road
- Mitre Drain
- Modular Prefabricated Pavement
- Motorway
- Multi-modal Pathway
- Multi-storey Car Park
- Municipal Public Road
- Municipal Road
- NAASRA Road Classification System
- National Transport Commission
- Natural Surface Road
- Nature Strip
- New Road Construction Concepts
- Noise Barrier
- Off-Street Parking
- On-Street Parking
- Otta Seal
- Outer Separator
- Oxidation
- Paper Road
- Parking Control Sign
- Parking Lane
- Parking Meter
- Parking Sign
- Pathway Hierarchy
- Patrol Grading
- Pavement
- Pavement Condition Assessment Manual
- Pavement Condition Index
- Pavement Deformation
- Pavement Guide Interactive
- Pavement Integrity Index
- Pavement Management System
- Pavement Marking
- Pavement Treatment
- Paver
- Paving
- Pedestrian
- Pedestrian Access Way
- Pedestrian Crossing
- Pedestrian Operated Signals
- Pedestrian Signals
- Pedestrian Tunnel
- Pedestrian Underpass
- Pothole
- Pothole Patching
- Pram Crossing
- Premix
- Prime and Seal
- Primerseal
- Principal Road
- Private Road
- Public Highway
- Public Road
- Public Road Register
- Public Transport Infrastructure
- QSIC Digital Road Network Standards
- Queensland Main Roads Timber Bridge Maintenance Manual
- Queensland Transport & Main Roads Road Drainage Manual
- Railway Crossing
- Raised Reflective Pavement Marker
- Ravelling
- Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
- Regional Road Group
- Register of Public Roads
- Regulatory Sign
- Reseal
- Resheeting
- Responsible Road Authority
- Rest Area
- Rest Stop