Service Hierarchy
A Service Hierarchy is a scheme for grouping services. Below is an example of a three level service hierarchy.
- Service Area
- Service
- Service Activity
- Service
Example Service Hierarchy
- Animal Management
- Animal Nuisance Investigations
- Barking Dog Investigations
- Dog Attack Investigations
- Stray Animal Management
- Stray Animal Collection
- Animal Pound Operation
- Animal Nuisance Investigations
- Community Services
- Aged and Disabled Resident Support
- Deliver funded HACC services to eligible residents in partnership with other local providers
- Positive Ageing Supports
- Provide equitable and sustainable access to council subsidised regular garden maintenance to eligible residents
- Family Support
- Inclusion and Professional Support Program
- Youth Services
- Early Years Partnerships
- Family Day Care
- Family Day Care
- Kindergarten Enrolments
- Kindergarten Enrolments and Early Years Infrastructure
- Library Service
- Book lending service
- Maternal and Child Health Care
- Universal Service, enhanced Maternal Child Health and Parent Education
- Play Group Support
- Play Group Support
- Aged and Disabled Resident Support
- Community Development
- Advocacy
- Ratepayer Advocacy
- Local Investment Advocacy
- Development Sector Advocacy
- Community Education
- Promotion of Responsible of Pet Ownership
- Anti-racism Education
- Promotion of Multiculturalism
- Environmental Sustainability Education
- Parent and Early Years Provider Education
- School Safety Education
- Head Lice Education & Eradication
- Community Group Support
- Community Development Grants Program
- Community Bus Hire
- Festival and Events Programming
- Municipal wide events, activities and projects for young people and their parents
- Theatre Management
- Australia Day Awards, Citizenship Ceremonies
- Local Heritage Preservation
- Develop and deliver the annual Cultural Heritage Program
- Heritage Co-ordination
- Develop and manage Council’s Civic History Collection
- Heritage Building Preservation
- Performing Arts Support
- Design, develop and deliver Community Development through Performance / Arts Program including Artists in Residence program
- Visual Arts Support
- Develop and manage Council’s Cultural Collection, that includes the Public Art, Visual Art and Civic History Collections
- Community Facility Provision
- Leisure Facility Management
- Convention Centre Management
- Public Toilet Provision
- Public Toilet Cleaning
- Advocacy
- Community Safety
- School Crossing Supervision
- Fire Hazard Inspections, issuing of infringement notices and follow up.
- Public Event Safety Assurance
- Building Safety Inspections
- Economic Development
- Business Support
- Tourism Promotion
- Emergency Management
- Emergency Planning
- Municipal Emergency Management Planning
- Council Emergency Preparedness and Resilience
- Emergency Planning
- Environmental Health
- Health Standards Enforcement
- Hygiene Standards Enforcement
- Food Premises Hygiene Monitoring
- Immunisation Service
- Health Standards Enforcement
- Parks and Open Space
- Parks and Open Space Construction and Maintenance
- Bollard Repairs
- Landscape Construction Surveillance
- Parks and Gardens Cyclic Maintenance
- Reserve Asset Maintenance
- Playground Maintenance
- Tree Maintenance
- Parks and Open Space Construction and Maintenance
- Roads and Transportation
- Road Construction and Maintenance
- Asphalt Patching
- Pothole Patching
- Service Authority Reinstatements
- Re-surfacing of sunken trenches & reinstatements
- Repairs to broken asphalt edges
- Regulation of small scale rutting & general settlements
- Crushed rock Shoulder Repairs & Maintenance
- Asphalt Regulation
- Crack Sealing
- Culvert Maintenance
- Dust Suppression
- Edge Patching
- Edge Trimming
- Guard Rail Repairs
- Isolated Pavement Repairs
- Land Slip Clearing
- Line Marking
- Minor Patches
- Minor Road Surface Treatment
- Noxious Weed Control
- Patch Resealing
- Pavement Cleaning
- Road Drainage
- Road Inspections
- Road Rehabilitation
- Road Resurfacing
- Road Shoulder Maintenance
- Shoulder Grading / Unsealed Shoulder Grading
- Shoulder Spot Filling Grading
- Snow Clearing
- Street Sweeping
- Surface Drain and Verge Maintenance
- Unsealed Road Grading
- Unsealed Road Maintenance
- Wheel Rut Regulation
- Sign Maintenance
- Sign and Pavement Marking Replacement
- Guidepost and Delineator Maintenance
- Roadside Asset Construction and Maintenance
- Bus Shelter Cleaning
- Bus Shelter Maintenance
- Bus Shelter Replacement
- Fence Repairs
- Rest Area Maintenance
- Roadside Grass and Weed Control
- Roadside Litter Collection
- Roadside Maintenance
- Roadside Mowing
- Roadside Vegetation Management
- Street Furniture Maintenance
- Street Furniture Repairs
- Street Furniture Replacement
- Street Lighting
- Street Tree Planting
- Bridge Construction and Maintenance
- Bridge Cleaning
- Bridge Parapet Maintenance
- Bridge Structural Repairs
- Minor Bridge Repairs
- Footpath Construction and Maintenance
- Footpath Construction
- Footpath Inspection
- Footpath Maintenance
- Footpath Sweeping
- Traffic Management
- Traffic Control
- Car Park Provision
- Parking Restriction Enforcement
- Declared Roads Electrical Failure Reporting
- Road Construction and Maintenance
- Stormwater Drainage
- Stormwater Drainage Construction and Maintenance
- Culvert Maintenance
- Culvert Repairs
- GPT Maintenance
- Kerb and Channel Cleaning
- Kerb and Channel Maintenance
- Kerb and Channel Repairs
- Open Drain Maintenance
- Root Cutting
- Drainage Pit Inspections
- Stormwater Drainage Design
- Stormwater Pipe Repairs
- Stormwater Pit Cleaning
- Stormwater Pit Repairs
- Stormwater Pit Lid Replacement
- Subsurface Drain Maintenance
- WSUD and ASR Infrastructure Management
- WSUD Infrastructure Maintenance
- Drainage Improvement Works
- Drain Cleaning
- Drainage Pit Cleaning
- Drainage Pit Inspections
- Gross Pollutant Trap Cleaning
- Gross Pollutant Trap Repairs
- Stormwater Drainage Construction and Maintenance
- Standards Development and Enforcement
- Building Quality Control
- Building Application Assessment
- Audit/Inspection of Essential Safety Measures in buildings
- Swimming pool audits
- Local Law Enforcement
- Footpath Trading Inspections, Audits and Compliance
- Parking Restriction Enforcement
- Development Plan Approval
- Statutory approvals of engineering plans and FLP’s for subdivisions and major developments
- Assessment of drainage plans and other engineering plans for non-subdivision developments
- Planning Scheme Management
- Planning Application Referrals
- Business Regulation
- Planning Scheme Enforcement
- Building Quality Control
- Waste Management
- Waste and Recyclables Collection
- Environmental Waste Management
- Roadside Litter Collection
- Litter Bin Repair
- Litter Bin Replacement
- Street Bin Litter Collection
- Broken Glass Removal
- Shopping Trolley Collection
- Landfill Rehabilitation
- Syringe Disposal