Service Plan

A Service Plan is a document that provides an outline of the services that a Council (or any other organisation) provides. A service plan should aim to meet the current and future needs of the community, and provide a framework that will guide service development, facility planning, workforce development and IT/asset planning.

Service Plan Contents

Below is a (brainstormed) list of items that could be included in a Service Plan for a council provided service. (Please feel free to add to the list)

  1. A description of the service
  2. An explanation of the purpose of the service
  3. A list of legislative requirements associated with the service
  4. A list of standards and guidelines related to the service
  5. An explanation of which Council Department or Team is responsible for delivering the service
  6. A list of service stakeholders
  7. A list of service level measures
  8. An estimation of the number of people currently using the service
  9. An estimation of the number of people likely to be wanting to use the service in the future
  10. The current cost of delivering the service.
  11. A list of alternate service delivery options and service levels and the costs associated with them.
  12. A list of assets required to deliver the service

Municipal Association of Victoria

In 2012 the MAV defined a service plan as a plan that defines programs and projects which need to be undertaken to deliver a service and include service levels (Community & Technical), service cost, service targets, who provides the service, KPI’s and the reporting framework, and gave the following examples.

As part of the 2014 MAV STEP Program Councils were encouraged to identify a comprehensive list of their services, and to prepare a service plan for each service. It was also suggested that service plans should inform the content of Council's Asset Management Plans, given that assets typically exist in order to provide a service.

Related Pages

External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. IPWEA Service Plans Discussion
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