Statewide Water Information Management
Statewide Water Information Management (SWIM) is an online data portal. It is a joint initiative of qldwater, and the Local Government Association of Queensland in partnership with the Queensland Government.
SWIM Online has been created to:
- make it easier for Local Government Water Service Providers to supply data requested by State and Commonwealth Governments; and
- help Local Governments get the greatest value from their data.
- The total volume of water taken (ML/year)
- Potable residential water supplied (ML/Year)
- Potable commercial, municipal and industrial water supplied (ML/Year)
- Potable supply other than residential , commercial, municipal and industrial (ML/Year)
- Potable supply - total (ML/Year)
- Average annual residential water supplied per connection (kL/ water connection / year)
- Average annual total potable water supplied per connection (kL/water connection /year)
- Properties served per km of water main (No. connections)
- Number of water main breaks (per 100 km water main)
- Infrastructure Leakage Index (Index)
- Real water losses (litres/ connection/ day)
- Real water losses (litres/ connection/ day)
- Minimum water flow (L/min)
- Minimum water pressure (kPa)
- % of total population where microbiological compliance was achieved
- % of samples tested which comply with the relevant guideline on E.coli
- % of samples tested which comply with the relevant guideline on physical and chemical parameters
- Number of drinking water quality complaints (No./1000 Connections)
- Number water service complaints (No./1000 connections)
- Average duration of a planned interruption to water supply (mins)
- Average duration of an unplanned interruption- water (mins)
- Average frequency of unplanned interruptions - water (No./1000 connections/year)
- Relative incidence of planned incidents (i.e. number planned / number unplanned) Water supply (Ratio)
- (Average) Response/reaction time for incidents (bursts & leaks) (mins)
- Number interruptions for which 48 hours notice was provided (per 1000 connections) (No./1000 connections)
- Average number of working days to complete installations and connections (days)
- Average number of working days to complete financial or engineering assessment for installations (days)
- Number of restrictions applied for non-payment of water bill (No./1000 connections/year)
- Number of legal actions applied for non-payment of water bill (No./1000 connections/year)
- Total volume sewage collected (ML/year)
- Average volume sewage collected per property (kL/sewer connection/year)
- Recycled water (percent of effluent recycled)
- Properties served per km of sewer main (No. Connections/km)
- Number of sewer main breaks and chokes per 100 km
- Property connection sewer main breaks and chokes (per 100km of sewer main)
- Sewage inflow and infiltration (peak day flow / average day flow) (Ratio)
- Sewage overflow to customer property (number per 1000 connections) (No./1000 Connections)
- Sewage overflows reported to the environmental regulator (per 100 km of main)
- Total number sewage overflows (per 100km sewer main)
- Percent of sewage treated to a tertiary level
- % of samples tested which comply with the relevant licence standard for BOD
- % of samples tested which comply with the relevant licence standard for Suspended Solids
- % of samples tested which comply with the relevant licence standard for Nitrogen
- % of samples tested which comply with the relevant licence standard for Phosphorus
- Sewerage service complaints (per 1000 properties)
- Average Response/reaction time for sewerage incidents (mins)
- Average sewerage interruption (minutes)
- Average number working days for work to commence on installations or connections
- Billing and account complaints - water and sewerage (No./1000 connections/year)
- Total water and Sewerage service complaints (No./1000 connections/year)
- Percent of biosolids reused
- greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) - Water (per 1000 properties)
- greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) - Sewage (per 1000 properties)
- Net greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes CO2-equivalents) - Other (per 1000 properties)
- Total Net greenhouse gas emissions (net tonnes - CO2-equivalents),(per 1000 properties)
- Residential revenue from usage charges - water (%)
- Revenue per property for water supply services ($/property)
- Revenue per property for sewerage services ($/property)
- Income per property for utility ($/property)
- Revenue from Community Service Obligations (%)
- Operating cost - water ($/property)
- Operating cost - sewerage ($/property)
- Annual bill based on 200kL/a - water ($)
- Annual bill based on 200kL/a - sewerage ($)
- Annual bill based on 200kL/a (water & sewerage) ($)