Strategic Route

A Strategic Route is a road or a section of a road which is considered to be strategic by virtue of the number and/or type of vehicles using it.

Victoria Grants Commission

The Victoria Grants Commission's Questionnaire Manual notes that:

  • Care should be taken in identifying strategic routes (as a subset of total local roads) as this information is used specifically in calculating your Council’s local roads grant.
  • In the case of urban roads:
    • In all volume categories, bus and/or tram routes on urban local roads are defined as strategic routes. Bus routes include both normal scheduled public transport routes and school-only routes in urban areas, but only where those routes are on local roads.
    • In addition, for urban local roads carrying less than 500 vpd, those roads carrying at least 50 trucks per day (on average) are considered to be strategic routes.
  • In the case of rural roads:
    • In all volume categories, bus routes on rural local roads are defined as strategic routes. Bus routes include both normal scheduled public transport routes and school-only routes, in rural areas, but only where those routes are on local roads.
    • In addition, for rural local roads carrying less than 100 vpd (other than natural surface roads), the following roads are considered to be strategic routes:
      • roads carrying at least 10 trucks per day (on average);or
      • roads within an average grade of at least 6%; or
      • roads in a drip or flood irrigated horticultural or agricultural area.

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External Links & References

  1. Google Search
  2. 2011/12 VGC Questionnaire Manual
  3. 2016 Victoria Grants Commission Questionnaire Manual (Word Doc)
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