A Subdivision in Town Planning terms, is the splitting up of a large block of land into 2 or more smaller allotments. Larger subdivisions typically require the construction of civil works, including, Roadworks, Drainage, Sewerage & Water Reticulation.

In Victoria the Victorian Subdivision Act 1988 states that the term subdivision "means the division of land into two or more parts which can be disposed of separately".
The Subdivision Process
Most subdivisions require a planning permit and all subdivisions require a Plan of Subdivision to be signed by a Licensed Surveyor.
Where a planning permit is necessary, a planning permit application, together with fees and supporting information must be subitted to Council.
Supporting information that may include:
- an analysis of the site and adjoining properties
- an assessment of the subdivision's impact on the neighbourhood
- a plan of subdivision showing the lot layout and dimensions
- other information to allow us to assess the application
Permit applications are referred to the Servicing Authorities for assessment of their requirements.
Councils will issue a permit if the application complies with its criteria.
Permits are issued with conditions that must be met before a Plan of Subdivision is approved.
If and when approved, a plan of subdivision must be certified by Council before it can be lodged with Land Victoria.
Before the subdivision can be finalised, a licensed surveyor must perform a comprehensive survey to determine the title location, mark the boundaries of all the lots and prepare necessary supporting documents.
A Statement of Compliance can be issued once all the conditions of the planning permit have been met and the Service Authorities have given consent.
A certified Plan of Subdivision along with the Statement of Compliance and other supporting documents are then able to be registered by Land Victoria and the new titles are produced.
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