If you have an idea about how to improve a particular page, but are reluctant to make the changes without discussing it with other users first, click on the grey "discusss" button at the bottom of the page to leave your comments.
If you have any suggestions on new content for the site or how to improve it generally please leave them below.
Suggestion Box
My No.1 suggestion is that members of the site use this suggestion box. If everyone adds all the improvement suggestions they can think of AND checks from time to time what suggestions others have made AND tries to implement any suggestions they can, the site should become a very useful resource for everyone very quickly.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Since most of LG activities are governed by many and various State and Federal legislation, it would be good to have a one stop shop for accessing relevant laws for each state.
The structure of the section could be as follows:
* Legislation
* Related pages
—>Federal Legislation
- List of Federal legislation
—> State Legislation
- List of States
— List of State legislation
We could then also have a subsection with links to cases that related to specific legislation.
I admit to having special interest in this because apart from studying civil engineering, I am also in the final stage of a law degree.
What do others think of this suggestion?
Danielle Danielsson
I have made a bit if a start on a legislation page.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Thanks for the 'heads up', Wayne, I was not aware of its existence. Great start! Why is there no link to it in the Content area?
Danielle Danielsson
Thanks, Danielle.
It is a bit of a balancing act trying to decide what to include in the side menu. I have always thought if we put too many links there it will become too busy. On the other hand it is important that site users are able to find information they want in a couple of mouse clicks.
I have just added an alphabetical index to the top of the home page. I'm not sure why I have never gotten around to doing that before, but hopefully another way of finding information on the site will help a bit. Having siad all that, the Australian Legislation page is not all that comprehensive at the moment, but perhaps when it is fleshed out a bit more adding a link to it on the side menu wouldn't hurt.
Perhaps we should have a poll to see what links users would like to see in the side menu?
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
I agree that the Content menu needs to have judiciously selected links or else there will be too much. It's fairly long now but can probably accommodate a few more. A poll to determine what should be on the main menu might be the way to go at this stage.
Danielle Danielsson
Pl excuse the formatting issue, I will email you word document, dont know how easy/difficult to reflect on page (One of the challanges I have using WIKI (copy and past table info))
The list of Acts
below are categorised according to the following legend:
A = Administered by Council – The Act specifically confers discretionary powers and responsibility to Council to administer some of the Act’s provisions within Council’s local government area.
E = Empowered by, but Council does not administer – Council has limited powers of enforcement under the Act or has limited discretionary powers of determination.
R = Recourse to Council only – The Act has some recourse provisions under which Council is the responsible agency.
The Local Government was constituted by the Local Government (Adjustment of Boundaries) Act 1978.
The functions of the Local Government are contained in the Local Government Act 1993 and other legislation such as:
Acquisition of Land Act 1967 X
Acquisition of Land Regulation 2003 X
Acts Interpretation Act 1954 X
Animal Care and Protection Act 2001 X
Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) 2008 X
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991and Tribunal Rule 2005 X X
Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and Regulation 1999 X
Body Corporate and Community Management Act 1997 and Regulations X
Building Act 1975 X
Building Regulation 2006 X
Building Code of Australia 1990 X
Building and Construction Industry Payments Act 2004 X
Dangerous Goods (Safety) Management Act 2001 and Regulations 2001 X
Disaster Management Act 2003 X
Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1967-1995 X
Electoral Act 1992-1996 and Regulation 1992 X
Electoral and Administrative Review Act 1989,1990,1993 X
Environmental Protection Act 1994 X
Environmental Protection Regulation 1998 X
Environmental Protection (Water) 1997 Policy X
Environmental Protection (Noise) 1997 X
Environmental Protection (Air) 1997 X
Environmental Protection (Waste Management) Regulation 2000 X
Evidence Act 1977 and Regulations X
Evidence and Discovery Act 1867-1967 X
Exotic Diseases in Animals Act 1981 X
Explosives Act 1999 and Regulations X
Equal Opportunity in Public Employment Act 1992 X X
Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (C'th) X X
Factories and Shops Act 1960-1987, and Regulations X
Food Act 2006 X
Food Production (Safety) Act 2000 X
Forestry Act 1959-1995, and Regulations X
Guide Dogs Act 1972 X
Health Act 1937 and Regulations 1996 X
Holidays Act 1983 X
Information Privacy Act and Regulations 2009 X
Integrated Planning Act (IPA) 1997/Sustainable Planning Act 2009 X X
Judicial Review Act 1991 X
Justices Act and Regulations X X
Land Act 1994 and Regulation 1995 X
Land Protection (Pest & Stock Route Management) Act 2002 and Regulation X
Libraries Act 1988 X
Liquor Act 1992 X
Local Government Act 1993 and Regulation and Standard X
Local Government Finance Standard 2005 X
Payroll Tax Act 1971and Regulation X
Penalties and Sentences Act 1992 X
Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 X
Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003 X
Property Law Act 1974 and Regulation 2003 X
Public Health Act 2005 X
Public Health Regulation 2005 X
Public Records Act 2002 and Regulation X
Right to Information Act and Regulations 2009 X
Sewerage and Water Supply Act 1949 X
South East Qld (Distribution & Retail Restructuring) & Natural Resources Provisions 2009 X
Standard Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2003 X
State Counter-Disaster Organisation Act 1975 X
State Penalties Enforcement Act 1999 and Regulations X X
Stock Identification Regulation 2005 X
Subcontractors Charges Act 1974 X
Sustainability Planning Act 2009 X
Surveyors Act 1977-1995 and Regulations X
Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 and Regulations X
Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 and Regulations X
Valuation of Land Act 1944 and Regulations X
Water Act 2000 X
Water Supply (Safety and Reliability) Act 2008 X
Water Regulation 2002 X
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards Act 2005 X
Worker's Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 and Regulations X
Workplace Health & Safety Act 1995 and Regulation X
Codes of Practice - Various X
Workplace Health & Safety Advisory & Compliance Standards - Various X
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish,
Creating tables with wiki syntax can be painful. I usually use the concatenate function in Excel to generate the code and then paste it into the page.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
I have been looking at the asset management progress in your area for a while now - initiated through the International Infrastructure Management Manual. Unfortunately, many public agencies in the U.S. are lacking similar insights. I do understand that our APWA was involved at some time, however, currently there have not been a lot of issues being considered. (Actually, the EPA website has more resources about AM than APWA).
I would like to find out if there are other interested U.S and Canada members that like to create a "North America" forum.
Asset Management deals with the same challenges - more importantly, the current economic crisis makes asset management and advanced (forecasting) asset management even more important.
So, I like to know are there other North Americans out there that like to work through this website on Asset Management issues?
Hans (Sylter)
Would it be possible to add a Scada & Telemetry Section to aid in the shareing of information between councils.
Perhaps under the Water Waste Water section maybe.
Adrian Hope-Hodgetts
Hi Adrian, thanks for joining the site and contributing to the forum, and thanks for the suggestion.
I have created a "SCADA" page & and "SCADA & Telemetry" page.
Wayne Eddy
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
I think it would be good to categorise Wanted Pages (eg. Asset Mgt, Records Mgt, IT), so the users of this website can navigate to the areas where they have expertise to contribute, and to the areas where do not have expertise to suggest a page.
Thanks, Leila Abbasova
Thanks for the suggestion Leila. I will see what I can come up with.
There is also a list of Stubs - pages that have been created, but with only very minimal content. I might try and convert the "Wanted Pages" to stubs & categorise them.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Is it possible to have * or some tags to the pages recently edited/added? or can we have list of pages recently added/edited?? on monthly basis?? somes sort of report you can run Wayne?
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
I found the RECENT CHANGES page. Sorry, I could not delete my own post!!!
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish, I have adjusted the site settings, so that users can delete pages they have created. I'm not 100% sure that this will apply to forum posts, but I think it probably will. If you still can't delete your post let me know and I will investigate further.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
I could not delete my posts still.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Can I request you to please consider to put following headers on home page e.g. purpose, scope, exclusions and hierarchy of information (through flow chart linking to major pages).
I agree there are 1900+ pages but they are not that much user-friendly/adequately structured (or I cant feel - being a newcomer). As may be the fundamental of wiki (not to have governance) but, I felt the need for bit of additional structure and governance).
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish,
If you like you can add the headers to the home page yourself, and feel free to make a few suggestions about what the purpose & scope, etc, of the site should be. I want the site to be one that everyone in Local Government feels they have a stake in. You making changes to the main page of your own accord, will be a very good thing, because it will mean others are less likely see it as just my site.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Ashish, I thought about this a bit more and I think the About page, which is already linked to in the top menu and therefore available on every page, might be a good place for the type of information you would like to see somewhere.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Wayne, good to see new format of "About" page. Many thanks.
To some degree, I agree that the kind of information should stay in "About" page. However, how many clicks do site receive on "about" page versus "home" page?.
If prospective information seeker/collaborator is visiting our site/page, it should be somewhat attractive (Our target should be first make it easy for that person to know, what she can find here, once she finds useful information, hopefully she will contribute. It is more of take and give (rather than give and take)
We also need to ensure, the purpose of the site is information and knowledge share from working professionals on projects/issues/risks on top of basic information. We should encourage to put more emphasis (as it is currently) on "how to do it", "working examples". One of the other desirable aspect of our site should be (would be of interest to Consultants and LG officers alike) is kind of audited page of skills matrix, who can help in what area. A brief profile or short CV can help. Also, need for what are we working on currently? for next 6 months or over few years, which can lead to joint projects or working through with some what similar challenges.
For example, few of my current projects include Risk Management, Business Continuity, Resource Planning and development of Asset Management Plan (is just started). Where applicable, I am hoping to form live/dynamic forums (meetings, working group or web conference etc) to add on the good work already done on web environment.
I would see the site as basic Environmental Scanning exercise (for general information) plus providing a base/stepping stone to formal/informal working group establishment.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish
Yes great response. I have been at Wayne for a while about making the front page attractive and userfriendly. I think you only get one go at pricking people's interest. I also wanted to ask what you mean by the face to face forum's. I think at some point the concept of collaboration and the vehicle (Wiki) needs to be promoted to a lot of potential benificiaries at one time. Perhaps a Local Govt. conference or Asset Management conference so it reaches critical mass and takes off getting input from many different people.
Bruce Janke
Thanks Bruce,
What I mean by, "face to face" forum to cover a informal/formal working group or regular meetings held to share knowledge/information (not so formal as conferences).
Face to face (may also includes one to one by phone/video conference/web conference/email chat/ email), who might help or direct in relevant area of expertise for the given issue/agenda. I should have used word "Live" collaboration through meetings/working group or web facilities.
What I could not find from wiki is, all basic information is good, but what if I really need expert in X, Y or Z area with my specific question?
Online forum (like we are discussing) now can be used.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
You might have observed that I have removed "Google image" of Gold Coast City Council area.
I admit that it would be rare to put finger on anyone on copyright issues on wiki (as might not be possible to track who changed what?)
My opinion is we can not use screenshot from Google Maps (or other copyright maps) unless otherwise, we have permission to use them.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish, none of the Google Maps on the site are Screen Dumps.
They are all live links and contain a terms of use link in the bottom right hand corner of the map.
Google Maps expressly encourages users to add links to their websites, and I suspect that they will be very pleased to have so many of their maps on the site.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Thanks for clarification.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Wayne,
Thanks for editing page for six sigma (and make it looking better, I am still learning putting hyperlinks (rather than copy and paste) etc in Wiki
I was inclined to be more specific to local government (how it applies and how it is used, how it can be used) rather than mere what Six Sigma is? in context of manufacturing industry. Thats why I called it "Six Sigma in Local Government".
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
No worries, Ashish.
The wikitext takes a little practice, but I'm sure you will catch on quickly, and the icons above the edit box make life easier too.
I am really thankful to have you sign up and contributing to the site and the forums on a regular basis by the way.
I already had a link to Six Sigma on the Problem Solving Techniques page so I thought it made sense to combine the two articles.
Six Sigma In Local Government
If you like put a sub-heading in the article called Six Sigma In Local Government, like I have done above (3 pluses before any text will make it into a sub-heading).
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Wayne, you are most welcome.
In reality, many thanks to you to lead, manage and provide such a platform for all of us to share, learn and grow. I see it as a medium to contribute and gain.
I am glad to find you and other like minded professionals here!!!.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
My apologies but do not get carried away with 6 Sigma in Local Government.
The Xerox article linked in is very much a sales pitch for Xerox and is simply applying Good Management Practice to an age old problem.
Six Sigma was developed by Motorola (for their electronic chip manufacturing so they could move from current technology to next generation technology (in chip/electronics) delivery.
Most local governments are not at 1 sigma (in variability i.e. what 6 sigma is trying to achieve, less variability than 5 sigma).
This is far too complicated a process to generally apply (or to be understood and executed) correctly in Local Government. The other issue with 6 sigma, it applies well where you have good control over your processes (which would be a good starting point for most Councils). I am not saying 6 sigma does not apply BUT I am saying there are a lot of more logical, sensible and cost effective ways to get better results before we need to resort to sophisticated techniques like this.
I will say that the article should have focused more on the "Lean" aspects, which is "getting rid of waste" (removing non-value added steps in a process). Now here is something (a more simple concept) that we could apply in Local Government with more useful outcomes and better results.
However, unfortunately, "lean" is not how most Councils think! Also major changes need to come from top management and there seems to be a lack of knowledge (or interest) in utilising proven management techniques (or is it a fear of change!)
This may be a little controversial, so I am happy to take comments on this. I am sure there are pockets of excellence but how do the majority perform?
Our data indicate that 5%-7% of local councils (in Australia) are evaluating Six Sigma. I do not have any examples of successful Six Sigma implementations in LG. But, it seems that larger councils and those undergoing amalgamation may benefit.
I find this hard to believe.
But then again what does "evaluating" mean.
6 sigma (from my understanding) is not an appropriate technique for (the majority of) Local Government processes where strict, well defined, process control does not apply.
As I said in previous post, "lean" (which involves removing waste) is a much more appropriate, practical and useful technique if management was inclined that way.
Hi, Darron,
I agree with you that 6 Sigma may not be the best technique for the majority of councils. I suspect some councils consider (or were advised to consider) it as a tool for process re-engineering during amalgamation. There may be a long way from ‘evaluating’ to ‘implementing’…
I suspect that more Councils are using the Australian Business Excellence Framework as a business improvement system than Six Sigma.
I started a page called Problem Solving Techniques a while a go, with the intent of either compiling a list of process improvement tools or actually developing an open business improvement system for Local Government.
Perhaps I got the title wrong and should have named it "Business Improvement System" or something like that. Given that there are a few people interested in the topic, perhaps that might be a good page to work on as a team project. What do you think?
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Changed the title to Business Improvement Techniques to start with.
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish,
When you change the title it can sometimes cause problems with existing links. It is usually best to create a new page and copy the contents across to the new page, and depending on the situation make the original page a redirect page.
I have made a copy, but I have left both pages the same for the moment.
I think perhaps ABEF & Six Sigma should be on the Business Improvement page, and the other links on the problem solving techniques page, but I am open to further suggestions.
ABEF certainly references a range of problem solving techniques, I don't know so much about Six Sigma, but I think it might too.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Hi Wayne,
Do you have link for this? Or when can I find/order hard copy for the same?
Ashish Shah
Program Leader - Road Asset Management
Logan City Council
Hi Ashish, I inherited a hard-copy manual when I started my current job. It was compiled in 1996 by Rushton Valuers & Cardno Davies. I'm not sure if it was published, or just circulated to Councils.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Some Councils expend considerable funds on legal advice which could be useful to other Councils - would it be "legal" to share opinions from Council Solicitors ??
Hi Chris,
Welcome to the site and the forum.
It isn't really my field, but I suspect that publishing legal advice is probably OK providing their are no privacy issues associated with it.
I know that LGAQ circulates legal opinions from time to time, and publish them on their website in the members area.
I have given a link to the most recent one below, although you won't be able to view it unless you can log in to LGOnline.
I might try contacting them (LGAQ) tomorrow to get their take on the issue.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
Chris, Wayne
I would be careful sharing legal advice through this forum.
There are too many "amateur" lawyers (not trained) reading this site and might be enticed to use some of this "adhoc" advice which could/would be taken out of context (because it is "free").
I think this could lead to some nasty ocurrences where non specific advice could be used in the wrong context with adverse legal implications for the (innocent) user and for this site.
Perhaps case studies here might be appropriate BUT NOT advice. But even this would require heavy disclaimers.
Most of our current advice here is from engineers and practitioners to engineers on a "use as appropriate" professionally acceptable basis (so disclaimer not necessary as it is implied).
Hi Darron,
I think I interpreted Chris' question a bit differently to you. I thought he was asking about publishing the advice of professional solicitors, not about giving out Adhoc legal advice.
Perhaps we need a legal opinion on if it is OK to share legal opinions?!
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+