Sustaining Local Assets Policy
The Sustaining Local Assets Policy is a policy released by Local Government Victoria in 2003.
The policy lists a number items that MAY be included in Asset Management Policies, Strategies and Plans.
- establishes the goals and objectives for asset management providing a platform for service delivery
- integrates asset management with the council corporate planning using an integrated multi-disiplinary approach
- maximises value for money by adoption of life cycle costing, combined with disciplined performance measurement
- assigns accountability and responsibility for service delievery together with asset management
- promotes sustainability to protect the needs of future generations
- links and integrates council's plan and resources; indicating which services are to be delivered through which assets;
- forecasts future service delivery needs and the capacity of asset to meet those, on short, medium and long-term baese;
- explicitly and fully overviews expenditure on new assets and the existing asset base;
- specifies asset management procedures, systems and training; and
- establishes systems for asset performance measurement.
Asset Management Plan
- defines levels of service within financial/resource/risk constraints;
- presents cash flow forecasts for acquisition, operation, and maintenance and capital expenditure, and for revenue, where relevant;
- specifies the capital expenditure for renewing, upgrading or extending assets;
- justifies the contribution of each asset in terms of value for money for the council; and
- establishes the targets and measures that will be used for monitoring progress with its implementation.