Gravel Resheet | 12 years |
Gravel Resheeting is the process of applying a layer of gravel (usually about 150mm) to a section of unsealed road.
The steps in gravel resheeting are:
- Tyning (loosening the existing surface);
- Spreading the new gravel; and
- Compaction.1
In most cases for most purposes Gravel Resheeting is considered to be a renewal and therefore capital in nature.
There are a couple of exceptions to this rule.
- If only a short section of road, say less than 100m is resheeted.
- Some councils apply a light resheet2 (50mm or less) every year and this expenditure is considered to be maintenance.
- The Queensland Grants Commission defines Gravel Resheeting to be a maintenance activity, so it needs to be reported as such in the annual return.
Useful Life
Gravel roads need to be resheeted on a regular basis typically every 5-20 years.34
The table below shows the useful life for gravel resheets adopted by a number of Councils. Please feel free to add your Councils wikidot.comrmation.
Related Pages
The following site members have contributed to this page:
External Links & References
- Google Search
- When Gravel Road Sealed, Is that a new asset or renewal/upgrade existing asset? - IPWEA Forum
The useful life of gravel resheets will vary considerably due to a range of environmental factors. All the same, it may be of interest to discover the average useful life for gravel resheets adopted by a range of councils.
If your Council would like contribute data, simply add the name of your Council and the average useful life adopted below & recalculate the average figure.
The useful life page displays the title of this page so if you do add information to the table below and it changes the average useful life, please alter the title of this page accordingly. Alternatively e-mail ua.vog.dlq.grebadnub|yddE.enyaW#ua.vog.dlq.grebadnub|yddE.enyaW & I will be delighted to add the information for you.