Victorian Emergency Management Act 1986

The Victorian Emergency Management Act 1986 was passed to provide for the organisation of emergency management in Victoria.

Part 4 of the Act details the responsibilities of municipal councils.

Section 20 states that a municipal council must prepare and maintain a municipal emergency management plan.

Section 21 of the Act states that:

white-line.png(1) A municipal council must appoint a person or persons to be the municipal emergency resource officer or municipal emergency resource officers.
white-line.png(2) A municipal emergency resource officer is responsible to the municipal council for ensuring the co-ordination of municipal resources to be used in emergency response and recovery.
white-line.png(3) A municipal council must appoint a municipal emergency planning committee constituted by persons appointed by the municipal council being members and employees of the municipal council, response and recovery agencies and local community groups involved in emergency management issues.
white-line.png(4) The function of a municipal emergency planning committee is to prepare a draft municipal emergency management plan for consideration by the municipal council.
white-line.png(5) A municipal emergency planning committee must give effect to any direction or guidelines issued by the Minister.
white-line.png(6) Subject to the regulations, a municipal emergency planning committee may determine its own procedures.

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External Links & References

  1. Austlii
  2. Leglislation Victoria
  3. Google Search
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