The Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 is designed to promote and protect public health and wellbeing in Victoria.
The Act imposes a number of responsibilities on Councils including;
Section 24 of the Act specifies the following Council functions:
To seek to protect, improve and promote public health and wellbeing within the municipal district by—
(a) creating an environment which supports the health of members of the local community and strengthens the capacity of the community and individuals to achieve better health;
(b) initiating, supporting and managing public health planning processes at the local government level;
(c) developing and implementing public health policies and programs within the municipal district;
(d) developing and enforcing up-to-date public health standards and intervening if the health of people within the municipal district is affected;
(e) facilitating and supporting local agencies whose work has an impact on public health and wellbeing to improve public health and wellbeing in the local community;
(f) co-ordinating and providing immunisation services to children living or being educated within the municipal district;
(g) ensuring that the municipal district is maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
Section 26 of the Act states that a Council must prepare a Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.
Related Information
External Links & References
- Victorian Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 (Legislation Victoria)
- Google Search
- Austlii