Home -> Australian Water Authorities -> WaterNSW
If you are looking at this page because you work for this Water Authority, please consider signing up to the site and contributing some information or circulating this link to other authority employees who might be interested. Some information about what software systems the authority uses & some contact details would be a good start, but any information that you can contribute to the site, on any topic will be greatly appreciated. There are a lot of good reasons to contribute, and it is pretty easy. Click here for an explanation about how to edit pages.
Locality Plan
How to embed a Google Map in a page
Software Systems
Asset Management System: Unknown
Document/Records Management System: Unknown
Financial System: Unknown
Geographical Information System: Unknown
Telephone: 1300 662 077
Email: ua.moc.wsnretaw|ksedpleH.remotsuC#ua.moc.wsnretaw|ksedpleH.remotsuC
Emergency reporting - 24 hours (fires, chemical spills)
Phone: 1800 061 069
Water transfer
Email: ua.moc.wsnretaw|edart.retaw#ua.moc.wsnretaw|edart.retaw
Warragamba Dam Visitor Centre
Phone: 02 4774 4433
Water orders
Gwydir, Namoi Peel and Border Rivers: ua.moc.wsnretaw|sredro.htron#ua.moc.wsnretaw|sredro.htron
Macquarie-Cudgegong, Lachlan, Hunter and Coastal Rivers: ua.moc.wsnretaw|sredro.lartnec#ua.moc.wsnretaw|sredro.lartnec
Murray, Lower Darling and Murrumbidgee Rivers: ua.moc.wsnretaw|sredro.htuos#ua.moc.wsnretaw|sredro.htuos
Postal addresses:
PO Box 1018
Dubbo NSW 2830
PO Box 398
Parramatta NSW 2124