West Wimmera Shire Council

West Wimmera Shire Council is located in western Victoria. It includes the towns of Edenhope and Kaniva. It has an area of 9,024 square kilometres and in 2006 it had a population of 4,475.

Locality Plan

How to embed a Google Map in a page

Software Systems

Asset Management System: Confirm
Document/Records Management System: Authority
Financial System: Civica
Geographical Information System: Mapinfo

Contact Information

Street Address: 49 Elizabeth Street, Edenhope
Postal Address: PO Box 201, Edenhope, 3318
Telephone: (03) 5585 9900
Fax: (03) 5585 9950
E-mail: ua.vog.civ.aremmiwtsew|licnuoc#ua.vog.civ.aremmiwtsew|licnuoc

Site Members

David Gyford.
Asset and GIS Coordinator.

Neighbouring Councils

External Links & References

  1. Council Website
  2. Wikipedia
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