Wollondilly Shire Council is located on the South-West edge of Sydney in New South Wales. It had a population 40,344 in 2006 and covers and area of 2560 kmĀ².
Locality Plan

Software Systems
Asset Management System: SMEC / Civica AIM
Document/Records Management System: TRIM
Financial System: Civica / Authority
Geographical Information System: IntraMaps & CGIS
Contact Information
Street Address: 62-64 Menangle Street, Picton NSW, 2571.
Postal Address: PO Box 21, Picton NSW 2571.
Phone: 02 4677 1100
Fax: 02 4677 2339
DX: 26052, PICTON.
Email: ua.vog.wsn.yllidnollow|licnuoc#ua.vog.wsn.yllidnollow|licnuoc
About This Page
If you are looking at this page because you work for this Council, please consider signing up to the site and contributing some information or circulating this link to other Council employees who might be interested. Some information about what software systems the Council uses & some contact details would be a good start, but any information that you can contribute to the site, on any topic will be greatly appreciated. There are a lot of good reasons to contribute, and it is pretty easy. Click here for an explanation about how to edit pages.
Site Members
Neighbouring Councils
- Cambelltown City Council
- Camden City Council
- Liverpool City Council
- Penrith City Council
- Blue Mountains City Council
- Oberon City Council
- Wingecarribee City Council
- Wollongong City Council