Wyndham City Council

Wyndham City Council is located in the outer south-western suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, between Melbourne and Geelong. It has an area of 542 square kilometres and at the 2006 Census Wyndham had a population of 112,695.

Locality Plan

How to embed a Google Map in a page

Software Systems

Asset Management System: AssetMaster / MyPredictor
Document/Records Management System: Unknown
Financial System: Finance One
Geographical Information System: Intergraph

Contact Information

Street Address: 45 Princes Highway, Werribee, Victoria (Mel Ref 206 B7)
Postal Address: PO Box 197, Werribee, Victoria 3030
Tel: (03) 9742 0777
Fax: (03) 9741 6237
Email: ua.vog.civ.mahdnyw|liam#ua.vog.civ.mahdnyw|liam

Additional Contacts

Name: Tony Mangiardi
Position: -
E-mail: ua.vog.civ.mahdnyw|idraignaM.ynoT#ua.vog.civ.mahdnyw|idraignaM.ynoT

Site Members


Neighbouring Councils

External Links & References

  1. Council Website
  2. Wikipedia
  3. Wyndham City Council Spatial Strategy Case Study
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